Thursday, September 22, 2011

Roman Stripe!

I have finally found the official name of our first block.  The Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns that I have used as a source for many of the blocks in the sampler did not have a name for 4 stripes of fabric in each quadrant of the block; they only showed 3. I thought that 4 looked better, so Roman 3 Square became Roman 4 Square.
Yesterday I was looking at some old quilting books and found our block. It is called the Roman Stripe. Maybe now we can find the history of it. Isn't this a lovely variation? You can see more quilts from the Gee's Bend collection here.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Roman four square

Here is the first block of our quilt.  I think the photos will help you get off to a good start.  Leave a comment if you have any questions.  We would love photos of your fabric choices and completed blocks as you go.  Happy piecing!

Choose your fabric

Cut 16    5” x 1 5/8” strips  of various colors, the length of the strips parallel to the selvage 

 You need 16 strips total

Arrange the stips 
Snap a picture so you can refer back to it as you sew

With 1/4” foot, sew your stips, right sides together!

Press, dry iron, on top, away from the light strips if possible

Sew and press the 4 sections

Sew right 2 sections together
Sew left 2 sections together 
Press as you go

 Line up the middle seams

Pin on either side of seam
Line up ends and sew!!!!

 The completed block